
Sexy Body - How do Men Really Feel?

Sexy body here, a sexy body there – everywhere you look – someone is telling you to get a sexy body and promising great rewards. Ladies, don’t waist your time striving for that sexy body - there’s good news and some basic things you need to learn about men.

First, men will always respond positively to a woman with a sexy body – it’s really not even a choice we have. When we see a woman with a sexy body – it’s hard not to notice.

But MANY other things are more important. Don’t let yourself be deceived by the billion dollar “sexy body” industry. There are other characteristics men would rather find in a woman or wife than a “sexy body”. Take a look at these five:

1) Stay fit and healthy. Men like women who exercise and stay fit – it shows you care about yourself, builds your self esteem and gives you confidence. All of which make you look better in his eyes. Just forget about the quest for that sexy body.

2) A woman with a strong desire to please her man in bed will look more sexy - in his eyes - than a babe with a super sexy body. Try it, lose your inhibitions and make your bedroom a place where his fantasies come true.

3) Lose the “I’m tired” stuff - everyone is tired – him too. When you’re chronically negative – for whatever reason – you will look less desirable in his eyes. Have you ever known an older woman (age 50 or so) who always seemed to act like she was in her 30’s? Men like that – work on acting younger he’ll begin to see you like you really do have a sexy body.

4) Men would rather be in a relationship with a woman who shows him true respect and admiration than with a blond babe sporting a super sexy body. It’s true, you’ll be looking like you’ve got a sexy body – in his eyes – when you show him true respect.

5) Often, women with a sexy body are quite devoted to themselves. After all, it takes a lot of work to maintain that look. Don’t be deceived, men grow tired of women who are only interested in themselves and how they look. Don’t misunderstand, it’s important that you take pride in your appearance, but don’t let it consume you – it will grow old in your man’s eyes.


How To Be Sexy - Be Absolutely Stunning

So how to be sexy? Is it only about the looks or is there more to being sexy? Well to be honest with you looks have a very little role to play when it comes to being sexy and impressing people around you with your presence. Everyone wants to be sexy but not all of them know how. You can have the best looks and a perfect body but being sexy is much more than just good looks. Read on to discover how to be sexy and achieve mind blowing results.

How do you feel? - Being sexy is all about how you feel about yourself and your body. Some people are really good looking but still do not feel sexy therefore being sexy is all about feeling good about yourself and your body.

How confident are you? - The very next point on how to be sexy is how confident are you being in your body and being yourself. Do you feel comfortable being yourself? Are you happy with the way you are or are you always looking around at other people and trying to become like them? You see the point here is being confident in the way you are and not trying to become like someone else.

How do you carry yourself? - You don't have to be exceptionally good looking in order to be sexy. All you truly need to do is to carry yourself and your personality right. Being sexy is also about how well your groom yourself and the way you dress with style.

How well can you communicate? - Good looks and personality are useless if you don't know the true art of conversation. You would be mostly judged by the way you talk more than the way you look when it comes to being sexy.


How to Make Him Chase You

If you're a single woman, you've heard the advice that playing hard to get is always the way to go. Even in today's dating world, that advice has a lot of truth to it.

We all know that men love the thrill of the chase and if you want to get and keep the man of your dreams you have to be willing to make him work to gain your affection. If you want to make him chase you, you need to understand exactly how to balance igniting his interest with being a little aloof.

There's been a lot of talk in the inner circles of single women about the benefit of being a bit standoffish when you first start seeing a man. Although you don't want to come across as being disinterested, you do want to create the illusion that you aren't at his beck and call. This means you should not always be available when he wants to see you and you should be a bit mysterious about what your plans are. Don't overtly say that you are seeing someone else, but hold back some details. You might want to tell him that you are having dinner with a friend. If you want to make him chase you, you must not appear too eager. This is one rule you simply can't ignore.

One mistake that many women make when they are trying to establish a deeper connection with a man they are interested in is they become intimate with him very quickly. Obviously the man isn't going to complain, but in his mind he may be wondering if this is your normal behavior and if every man you date gets the same treat. You don't want to come across as a tease, but it's a very good idea to hold off on the intimacy until you've let him chase after you a bit. If you give him everything up front, the pursuit of your affection becomes much less interesting to him. Enjoy his company, but don't take things to the next level too soon.

Don't put on a false front if you want to make him chase you. Some women think they need to embellish details of their lives in order to get a man interested. This approach will almost always backfire on you. You need to relax and completely be yourself when you are with him. Don't stifle any part of your personality and don't try and be something you're not. A man is interested in the real woman, not the woman you wish you were.


Why Do Women Prefer Bad Men

There have always been arguments about what sort of men do women prefer.
It's always been said that women love to be around nice men but if that's the case then why is a that nice men always finish last.

Agree or disagree with the fact is that nice men do finish last when it comes to scoring a date with women. Women do prefer bad men but there is a reason for that. Read on to discover why women prefer bad men or nice guys.

It's challenging- one of the major reasons why women prefer bad men is simply due to the reason that bad men are more challenging than the nicer ones and this is common human nature that we always go for the things which are not easy for us to get and which provide us the challenge. Nice guys are often too easy to get therefore women think you can find one anywhere.

More confidence- Another reason why women go for bad men are simply due to the reason that bad men are more confident and more assured about themselves when it comes to the matter of self-esteem and being comfortable with oneself. Nice men are often low on self-esteem and confidence which becomes one of the reasons why they always end up finishing last.

Interesting- One of the major positive traits which bad men have is that they know how to achieve a woman amused for a long amount of time. Nice guys are often known to be boring and uninteresting due to the fact that they don't have anything much to offer women due to which the finish last.


How to Attract Your Soul Mate

If you want to know how to attract your soul mate, you've come to the right place. To start with, it's somewhat of a good news/bad news situation.

The good news is that most of men are pretty easy!

The bad news is that a lot of guys are more interested in sex than soul mates.

Guys like that will just use you and throw you away like an old newspaper.

But if you're looking for true love... A soul mate who will love you and cherish you the rest of your life... That's a different kind of man all together... And these tips will help you find him.

I don't know you personally, but I do know a few things about you....

First off, I know you are a very special person. There are over six billion people on the planet and nobody else is just like you. There never was and never will be again. You are truly unique.

And I know there is a very special guy out there who is just right for you. There's somebody for each of us. Perhaps you haven't even met him yet, but he wants you just as much as you want him. In fact, he's already in love with you... He just doesn't know it yet!

And I also know your life is short and precious. You don't want to go through it alone or trapped in an unhappy marriage. So let's get started getting you two love birds together.

Here are 7 Love Tips from a guy who found his soul mate a long time ago.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate Tip #1... Look Your Best!

Like it or not, your appearance can play a major role at the start of a relationship. The importance of looks will diminish as your love matures, but in the very beginning, even before you first talk, comes the first impression... And you never get a second chance to make a good one.

I'm not saying you need to look like a fashion model, but you should look the best you can. Find out what style of clothes look good on you. Some women wear clothes that are entirely wrong for them. For example, something that looks just awful is a woman with an exposed midriff and a bulge of belly fat hanging over hip hugger jeans.

Wear something classy that is soft and feminine. Save the business suits for the office. And don't worry about it being the latest fashion or color. Dress up for your girl friends if you want, but most of us guys don't know or care what's in style this year.

Go easy on the cleavage. A guy wants that to be between you and him, not something you advertise to the world. You have a lot more to be proud of than your breast size. Don't worry, he will notice your curves, and he will love your modesty. There is something very sensual about that.

The multi-billion dollar cosmetic industry has women convinced they aren't beautiful without makeup, but it just isn't true. You should take good care of your hair and skin. Keep it clean, soft and slightly fragrant. We love that, but go easy on the heavy eye shadow and lipstick.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate Tip #2... Get Lucky!

They say, "Luck is where preparation meets opportunity". So once you've prepared your best look, go where you will have the opportunity to attract your soul mate.

An infamous bank robber was once asked why he robbed banks. His answer was "Because that's where the money is!" Go to places where the kind of man you want goes. If you want a guy who likes to drink, go to a bar. If you want a religious guy, go to church functions. If you want a guy who skis, head for the slopes.

And go to places you like to go. Take up a new hobby or sport. That gives you a chance to have fun and meet people. And if you do meet someone special there, you already have something in common. Common interests are important in a relationship because it gives you a good opportunity to spend quality time together.

And be clear in your mind about the kind of guy you want, so you will recognize him when you meet. But be careful about prejudging him based on appearance. When choosing a partner for life, looks aren't nearly as important as character. Men and women of good character come in all kinds of different packages. There are lots of pretty boys out there who aren't worthy of your love. Go for character first, looks second.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate #3... Smile!

Once you've attracted his attention, flash him a little smile which says you noticed him also. Most guys are a tad shy and hate getting rejected, especially in front of other guys. Your smile opens the door for him to make the next step.

You should practice your smile if you need to. Look in the mirror and think about the things that make you happy. Think of all your blessings and everything you have to be grateful for. That might be tough to do if you're holding a grudge. Do yourself a big favor and forgive anybody who has ever hurt you in any way. You don't have to forget, but try to forgive.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate Tip #4... Just Listen!

When he finally gets up the nerve to talk to you, be sincerely interested in what he has to say. Many guys work in jobs where they can't express themselves and welcome the opportunity to talk to someone who is interested in them.

Ask questions which draw him out instead of those that can be answered with a simple yes or no.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate Tip #5... Say the Right Things!

But don't talk too much! We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Try to talk on subjects of mutual interest and subjects he is interested in.

Use his name in your conversations with him. We all like to hear our own name.

If you enjoy being with him, let him know. If you feel safe with him or love to talk with him, let him know. Tell him if you miss him when you're apart. Admire his kindness, manners or other admirable traits.

Avoid foul language. Try to avoid having being loud or having a shrill tone to your voice. Don't nag or argue. If you're wrong, admit it and apologize when you need to. Expect him to do the same.

Don't say "I love you" too soon. You might just scare him off if he hasn't yet realized he loves you too.

Don't bash your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband. In fact, don't bad-mouth anybody. Don't gossip or say anything behind someone's back that you wouldn't say in front of them. If you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything.

Ask him to do you a small favor that you know he can handle. If he's tall maybe he can reach something for you. If he's a computer geek, maybe he can answer a software question. It's a curious phenomenon, but he will feel better about you after he does you a favor! We all like to be appreciated. Plus, this gives you an opportunity to return the favor and do something nice for him!

Everybody loves a good joke or story. Collect a few good ones to tell. You can also use them to send a message, without being too obvious.

Don't be afraid of silence. You don't have to be talking all the time to enjoy each others company.

Keep your phone conversations short and you be the one who "has to go". Leave him wanting more, but set up a time when he can call you back.

At the end of a date, tell him if you had a good time or say that you need to do it again some time. Or maybe say next time you'll treat. That leaves the door open for the next date.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate Tip #6... Do the Right Things!

Keep your first date short. Again, leave him wanting more!

Don't kiss on the first date and don't have intercourse until you're ready to start a family. And don't fall for the "If you love me you would" line. If he loved you, he wouldn't try to force you into doing something you're not ready for. True love waits.

Give him the time he needs to be alone or with his buddies, without laying a guilt trip on him. He should know that you missed him, but can get by without him.

Allow him to be a gentlemen... See if he was taught good manners. Let him hold the door and let him pay, at least for the first date. You can offer to leave the tip if you want to.

It's been said that the way to a mans heart is through his stomach. This is somewhat true. Us men are simple creatures and food is important to us. Be smart about it though. Find recipes that are both delicious and healthy. That's really impressive because it shows you care about his health.

Don't scare him off by appearing desperate or needy. Play a little hard to get. A confident attitude is attractive in men and women. Be independent. Stay busy. Have friends, interests and activities independent of him. Keep a little emotional distance until you're both ready to make a long term commitment.

How to Attract Your Soul Mate Tip #7... Don't Settle!

Don't settle for someone you don't really love... or someone who doesn't really love you.

And don't settle for a guy with deep character flaws, thinking you will change him later. If he changes at all, it will probably be for the worst. After all, if he doesn't treat you right when he's courting you, how do you think he will treat you later?

Listen to what he says, but pay more attention to what he does. How does he treat his mother and sister? That's a pretty good indication how much respect he has for women. How does he treat kids and old people? How about dogs and cats? Is he kind and decent?

Is he honest? If he will lie to one person under one set of circumstances, he will probably lie to you under another. Don't trust someone who is not worthy of your trust.

Don't hear wedding bells when you should be hearing alarm bells. Some warning signs include drug and/or alcohol addiction, driving under the influence, poor work ethic and abusive behavior. Don't ever allow a man to abuse you or the children.

You've probably heard the saying that "Love is blind". We tend to see only what we want to see and hear only what we want to hear. Let him meet your friends and family. See what they think of him. They want the best for you and can be more objective.

Somebody wise once said we should keep our eyes wide open before marriage... and half shut afterwards!



Top 10 Male Turn On's

It is an undeniable fact that a man is powerless to the charms of a beautiful woman. All men, however, have a different definition of beauty. Regardless of how a man defines what he finds attractive in a woman, there are several common male turn ons that all men would agree to.

The following is a list of the top ten male turn ons:

1. Women who leave something to the imagination

As unbelievable as it sounds, men often prefer to be teased with a little taste of what is to come. This would include a woman who dresses to show a little skin, but not too much. For example, a female who offers the slight glimpse of a thong or a bra strap is often more seductive than one who is scantily clad. Women who maintain a certain degree of class are always more attractive to men than women who openly share all their secrets!

2. She is not afraid to admit that she loves sex

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the act of sex, and there are fewer things more attractive to a man than a woman who can admit this! Many men have a major obsession with sex, so a sexually confident woman with a healthy sex drive is a big turn on for them.

3. She has a strong sense of self-esteem

It is said that the dream of all men is to have a woman at his beck and call; au contraire, most men are looking for a woman who can think for herself. Men are hugely turned on by a woman who believes in herself and has the confidence to speak her mind. Men tire easily of women who constantly need to be reassured. A woman with self-esteem is more challenging and keeps men on their toes!

4. She knows how to talk dirty

It may sound cliché, but men love it when a woman talks dirty! For men, hearing a woman describe what she wants sexually is a turn on. Women who effortlessly talk dirty are exciting and hold the promise of amazing sex.

5. She loves her body

Men love to look at women’s bodies. It is no secret that men love a great pair of breasts or a lovely backside. Moreover, men love a woman who appreciates what she’s got and is not shy to show it. It is difficult to be turned on by a woman who is ashamed of her body, but a woman who embraces her attributes will always win the attention of eager men!

6. She has an accent

You have probably heard this one before and you may find it hard to believe, but true enough, an accent is a male turn on. Regardless of whether she is from Scotland or Spain, her accent will be perceived as exotic to a man. It is especially sexy when she is describing what she loves to do in bed!

7. She has a wicked sense of humor

A woman who can be funny is very attractive and approachable. Men are turned on by a witty woman; one who can dish it out as well as she can take it! A sense of humor adds playfulness to the relationship and always keeps them coming back for more!

8. She is adventurous

Women who are willing to try new things and live on the wild side will always win the attention of a man. Showing a free-spirited nature is sexy and a challenge for any man!

9. She is independent

Men do not like to think that every woman is seeking a lifetime commitment. Men are turned on by women who can have casual relationships, without attachment. An independent woman is self-sufficient and free to have fun!

10. She looks like a centerfold

We can all fantasize, can’t we? Men know that the majority of women do not look like Pamela Anderson, but that doesn’t keep them from wishing they could hook up with one who does.


Feel Good Naked - Natural Beauty Secrets

How confident are you when it comes to being naked? Sadly, a lot of women agonise about their bodies and revealing all can be a traumatic experience. If you are looking for tips, tricks and beauty secrets to help you make the most of your natural beauty and feel good naked, you've come to the right place.

Number one of all the beauty secrets is this, if you want to feel good naked you must be happy in your own skin.

To help you achieve this, look after your skin to bring out its natural beauty. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and give your circulation a boost, this will encourage new skin cells at the same time. Encouraging new skin cells will give your skin a younger, fresher look.

Always moisturise using a good moisturiser and pay special attention to dry areas such as elbows, knees and feet. Take your time and massage the moisturiser right into your skin. Massaging not only helps your circulation it also helps to smooth out bumps and wrinkles and will enhance your natural beauty. Olive oil, an old-fashioned beauty secret, will give your skin a luxurious look as well as making it soft and supple to touch. As the surface of your skin improves and you get to know your body better you will begin to feel good naked.

Remove unsightly hairs from your legs, under your arms and tidy up your bikini line, or go the whole hog and go for a Brazilian wax.

You probably already know that eating a balanced diet to maintain healthy skin from the inside will benefit your natural beauty. Oily fish and vegetables will do wonders for your nails, hair and teeth as well as providing fish oils and vitamins for your skin and is a beauty secret worth knowing.

Your hair is your crowning glory especially if you want to feel good naked, have it trimmed regularly and keep it clean, well conditioned and healthy.

A quick fix beauty secret to feel good naked is to decide which your best asset is and show it off to the best advantage. Stand naked in front of a tall mirror and take a good, long look at yourself.

Standing straight on is not always the best pose, experiment by turning slowly and watching how your contours change. Standing side on can be a lot more flattering and compliment your natural beauty. Stand up straight and lift your sternum (breastbone) arch your back slightly so that your bottom sticks out a little bit but not too much.

You can make yourself look slimmer by stretching your body into a bow shape and being careful not to stoop or scrunch yourself up. Or stand slightly side on to the mirror placing one leg in front of the other; this will give you a very sexy shapely outline indeed.

Or try lying on your stomach propped up by your elbows, this accentuates the curve of your back and the shape of your breasts and at the same time minimises your stomach.

The idea behind the above beauty secrets is to create an illusion, flatter your natural beauty and help you to feel good naked.

A good tip is to spend as much time as you can actually being naked, this will get you used to seeing yourself naked and the more you see yourself naked, the more being naked will feel natural to you.

Remember to stand up straight and stretch your body to make yourself look slimmer. It also helps if you master the art of walking by placing one foot in front of the other, as though you are walking a tight rope, and swing your legs from the hips. I've found this looks extremely elegant and it will do wonders for your confidence.

Another good beauty secret is to go for soft lighting, such as candles, tea lights or softly coloured light bulbs if you haven't got a dimmer switch, and make sure the lighting is behind you. This not only has a slimming effect - it will also help to soften your outline and give you a sexy glow.

A soft glow rather than harsh lighting will give your skin an even tone and minimise the appearance of any blemishes.

One of the best beauty secrets I know is taking regular exercise to help keep your body toned and supple, a thirty-minute walk three times a week will pay many benefits. Walk at a speed that gets your heart rate up, this will oxygenate your blood and improve your skin, as well as your muscles and heart. Don't walk so fast that you can't have a conversation at the same time.

A toned and balanced body is extremely beautiful and will make you look and feel good naked, and you don’t need an hourglass figure to achieve this. Add quality to your movements with muscles that are long and toned and you will appear more balanced and beautiful.

Finally, the best way to feel good naked is to have confidence in yourself. If you don't feel it, fake it until you do. Get to know your own body and accept yourself for who you are and how you look.

We are all individuals and there are no set rules for everyone. Watch other women and notice how they move, what looks good and what doesn't. You can learn a lot by watching others.

Someone who is happy in her own skin and behaves in a confident manner is extremely attractive and sexy, regardless of her body shape.

How you feel about yourself is what really counts because this will show in your eyes and natural beauty will radiate from you.

Relax and enjoy yourself - love the way you look - if you do then others will too.


The History and Evolution of the Sexy Thong

The loincloth, worn thousands of years ago is likely to be the first undergarment worn by humans and it evolved into the thong over the years. Ironically, it was first worn by men in ancient times before it evolved into part of women’s lingerie in modern times. The Egyptians were one of the earliest people to wear this thong-like clothing. The earliest loincloths were made of leather and this was used until the introduction of fabric much later on. The famous King Tutankhamun was found buried with more than a hundred loincloths in his tomb.

Some people in ancient Greece, Rome and Japan also wore loincloths. In Japan, sumo wrestlers in particular are known to wear a loincloth when they are wrestling. In fact, right up to this very day, they still wear this.

In the middle ages, the loincloth was replaced by a large, loose outfit called ’braies’. This was usually made from linen and is much bigger than the loincloth. The braies is made with a covering at the front that could be buttoned or tied closed.

In modern times, historians trace the thong’s first public appearance to 1939 when New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia directed that the city's nude exotic dancers to dress more appropriately.

Fashion designer, Rudi Gernreich was credited with introducing the first modern thong back in 1974. The thong was worn for many years by exotic Brazilian dancers and was very widely worn during the festivals. These tight, tiny thongs grew in popularity during the 80s in South America and were used as swimwear at the beaches. Its popularity and influence spread to various parts of the world in the late 90s.

In the US, the sexy thong only gained wide acceptance in the 90s when exotic lingerie came into the mainstream. Today, the thong is one of the best selling styles of undergarment in the world. The size of the lingerie industry is said to be over US$2 billion a year.

The thong became so popular that there were even songs written about it. The most famous one was of course ‘The Thong Song’ by Sisqo under the Def Soul label. The Thong Song from Sisqo’s debut album ‘Unleash The Dragon’ was such a big hit that it reached number 3 on the US pop charts and sold over 4 million copies worldwide.

Besides the sexy thong, there are also many different types and variants of exotic lingerie available in the market today. Some of the different types of lingerie available include the chemise, camisole, boy shorts, bustiers, corsets, teddy and G-string.

Many designers today have come up with very flamboyant and creative designs and the thongs today are very different from the designs of yesteryears. It is extremely minimalist, erotic and chic. Many women prefer the thong to other types of lingerie because they can wear tight pants without showing the panty line. Besides being extremely sexy, the thong is also comfortable to wear.


What Turns Sexy Women Off

No matter the subject it as always as useful to know what NOT to do, as it is to know what to do. I'm here to tell you, I am uniquely qualified to tell you how NOT to attract desirable sexy women. Why? Because I spent dang near 10 years perfecting that art before I stopped doing what doesn't work, and started doing what DOES work.
So, today, we're going to talk about what NOT to do when it comes to attraction. This will give you a handy guide of things to avoid when interacting with any sexy woman.

First off, don't try to impress her by talking about yourself, how much money you make, the playoff game you won, etc., etc. Believe me, she's heard all that before, by men who are smarter, better looking, and more successful than you or I. Instead, ask her genuine, open-ended questions about herself, and pay close attention to her answers. Shut off the conversation in your own head, and pay attention to her--you'll be amazed at how this creates attraction.

Don't ask her if "you can take her out," or if she "has a boyfriend," or if you can "have her number." You're letting her define the relationship, which sexy women HATE. In addition, questions like these activate subconscious processes that lead to autopilot answers (like NO!). It's the same thing as a salesperson asking you, "Can I help you?" and you saying, "No thanks, just looking." Switch the question to, "What specifically are you looking for?" and you'll get a better answer--same thing when setting up a second meeting with the woman you're talking to. "Let's continue this conversation over coffee sometime," works a heck of a lot better than, "Can I take you out?"

Don't shower her with compliments about her beauty, looks, etc.

She's already heard it, and knows you're trying to "compliment your way into her pants." Treat her like a human being, ask her about her hopes, dreams, and desires from a place of genuine interest, not the ulterior motive of getting your hands on her. Although it sounds obvious, this is actually a very subtle shift in thinking for most men--she'll pick up on the fact that you're NOT lusting after her, when every other guy she's talked to that day is... and start to wonder what's different about you. Give her a "bad time in a good way," teasing her about her looks, what she says, etc.

Attraction is a give and take, it has a rhythm to it. Switch from sincere to teasing, and back again--it's this switching that creates attraction.

Don't ask her, "So where do you want to go?" Take the lead, and suggest several places--"Hey, let's go here... sound good to you?" is much better than the above question. If she doesn't want to go there, then ask her for suggestions. Believe it or not, this was a big breakthrough for me--I always thought sexy women would be offended if I did this, but turns out they really enjoy it.

Don't plan your life around her--live your own. This kills more relationships than probably anything else--women want to be with a strong guy, not a surrogate mommy to a little kid.

Again, a lot of these things are common sense, but as they say, common sense ain't so common. Most of us are socially conditioned to do the things I just mentioned, and we actively have to avoid them. I know I do--even with everything I know, I occasionally find myself slipping back into the above behaviors, and they lead to predictable results--the death of attraction.
