
5 Essentials For Great Sex For Married Couples

A common complaint for married couples is unsatisfactory sexuality. What makes great sex?

Here are 5 essential ingredients for not just healthy sex, but great sex!

1. Naked and Not Ashamed

Genesis 2:25 gives the building blocks to a solid foundation of a healthy marriage and sexuality: Intimacy. Dictionary.com defines shame as “the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, and ridiculous.” Adam and Eve had just met, and yet they felt “naked and not ashamed.” There was an emotional, physical, and spiritual safety. Great sex is a by product of such intimacy between two people.

2. Fly Solo with your Spouse

The sweetest sex occurs by taking the time to nurture the relationship with one person over time. Some say staying married to the same person is boring. Quite the contrary! It becomes an adventure to walk the twists and turns with your mate on this journey called life. We get to rediscover our spouse a new over time with the added benefit of knowing them from the past.

3. Have it!

In the busyness of life, it is amazing how easy sex is neglected in married couples. This can happen in all phases of marriage: newlywed, small children, adolescent children and empty nest. Somehow we think great sex comes when everything has to be perfect: the lighting, the place, the music. These are the icing, but sometimes you just have the cake, which can be equally satisfying.

4. Pleasurable techniques

Each spouse desires to satisfy their spouse sexually, yet may feel inadequate because they may lack the practical know-how. A good place to start is to just begin touching one another, especially the erogenous zones of the body: the gentials and breasts. Then share your preferences with one another. Do some research on fulfilling lovemaking techniques and utilze them.

5. Communication

Communication is simply talking about everything that makes sex better. Ambience, places, technique, and frequency are good ideas to begin to discuss with your spouse. If you want pleasurable lovemaking, then you must communicate your likes to your spouse. He/she cannot read your mind. You and your spouse can become the best sex coaches for your marriage if you are willing to communicate your sexual needs and desires.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post, thanks!
